To Lead A Life Worthy Of The Calling To Which You Have Been Called

Ephesians 4:1-16 Pentecost 11 Lectionary 18 August 4, 2024 Epiphany Lutheran Church Richmond, Virginia This is my last Sunday with you during this interim period, so I want to be real Lutheran! Ready for some counter-cultural, radical grace? It all begins with God’s love, and we have done absolutely nothing to earn or deserve it. God loves us, simply because God created us. It’s important to practice sabbath and listening prayer –to rest in the realization of how much God loves us. What is our response to that experience of God’s love? It is to love God back! And loving God back means loving other people. It all begins with God’s initiative, with God’s love, which is pure, unmerited grace. On our best days, we respond out of pure thankfulness and joy! Is that always the case for you? No, not for me, either. That’s because we are broken – from God and from other people. Brokenness is another word for sinfulness. And, to use liturgical languag...