The Joy of Kingdom Life

Luke 12:32-40 Time After Pentecost Lectionary 19 August 7, 2022 St. Mark Lutheran Church, Yorktown, VA “Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Those words of Jesus are the good news in this morning’s reading from the gospel of Luke! And – what joy! – when we were baptized, you and I were incorporated into that kingdom, the kingdom which has been brought into our world in the flesh and blood of Jesus the Christ. It is the kingdom of Jesus followers who are serving those who are impoverished, and feeding those who are hungry, and loving others (even our enemies!) and who are not judging or condemning or excluding others. (Do you want a more detailed description of the kingdom? Check out chapter six of this gospel of Luke, where Jesus offers that.) ...