What Do You Hunger For?
John 6:1-21 Pentecost 10 Lectionary 17 July 28, 2024 Epiphany Lutheran Church Richmond, Virginia What do you hunger for? That’s the question for me this morning, bad grammar and all. It comes to me out of the first part of the story we read this morning, from the gospel of John. What do you hunger for? To be human is to hunger. Have you ever worried about where your next meal was coming from? Or, at least, have you done ministry in places where the hunger was physical? When I was in seminary in Chicago, I spent two years working in an African American Lutheran congregation on the southside, in a neighborhood where the crime rate was the highest in the city of Chicago and the unemployment rate was second highest. (Or maybe it was the other way around; I could never remember.) What poverty there was, and physical hunger. My first call was to a congregation in the affluent near-Baltimore town of Towson, Maryland. The public schools were like privat...