Where Is God in the Disruption? How is God Moving?

For months, we have been moving through major disruptions.  COVID-19 has disrupted our daily lives and will continue to do so for at least a year more.  George Floyd's death caused a tipping point: people of all races are disrupting political processes, demanding changes in the way Black people are treated by police.  More severe and more frequent hurricanes and wildfires are disrupting millions of lives, and only begin to point to the global disruption that climate change will cause in the years to come.  We are in the midst of the most disruptive election campaign that I have experienced during my life.  The death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg will only intensify that.  

Where is God in the disruption?  How is God moving?

More than six months into the pandemic, I find myself deeply lamenting all that we have lost -- not only the deaths from COVID-19, and not only the long recoveries that friends are experiencing as they come back from the infection, but the lost Senior proms and graduation ceremonies, and concerts and other performances, and gatherings of family and friends for weddings and funerals, and grandparents who are afraid to visit their grandchildren, and on and on.  I lament the lost jobs and income that millions have experienced.  I lament that so many are missing daily contact with family and friends.  I lament the let-down Patty experienced, receiving retirement congratulations from her head of school during a poorly-attended faculty Zoom meeting.  I lament the fact that my daughter-in-law is teaching her 5th grade class from her dining room while, at the same time, her children are "attending" their 4th grade classes upstairs in their bedrooms.  On this bright, clear, crisp, perfect Saturday for football, I lament the games not being played, or being played in empty stadiums.  And on and on...

How are you lamenting?  Where is God in the disruption?  How is God moving?

After these four extremely painful and disruptive months since George Floyd's death, I am very hopeful over what is coming out of this the tipping point.  I am hopeful because privileged white folks like me are finally listening to those who have suffered from racism, and are moving from that into political action.  I am hopeful for the structural changes in our culture that are already happening.  I am hopeful for the possibilities for racial healing and building the Beloved Community.

How are you hopeful?  Where is God in the disruption?  How is God moving?

The Rev. Lisa Green has asked me to preach next week for the virtual worship service of St. Martin's Episcopal Church here in Williamsburg, which has made me explore the appointed gospel passage for that Sunday.  In Matthew 21:23-32, Jesus and "the chief priests and the elders of the people" are in sharp conflict because of how Jesus is disrupting the religious practices and teachings of the day.  Jesus was so disruptive that he ended up, naked and bleeding, on the cross.  In the gospel stories, it's easy to see where God is in the disruption!  God is in the flesh and blood of Jesus.

What about today?  

Where is God in the disruption?  How is God moving?  What are you lamenting, and how are you hopeful?

Andy Ballentine


  1. God is on the throne, overseeing everything. He will also things to happen as He sees fit.


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